Friday, February 22, 2013

LET'S TALK ABOUT... Casablanca

Everyone’s heard of Casablanca.  It’s Humphrey Bogart’s most famous film.  It’s got several of the most quoted movie lines in history.  It frequently tops “Best Movies of All Time” lists, and it’s no surprise why.  It's set in an exotic location, it's got humor, it's got singing, it's got gambling, it's got drinking, it's got guns, it's got Nazis, it's got seedy characters, and an unforgettable romance.  Not to mention a killer ending.

But I don’t want to talk about all that.

I want to talk about Peter Lorre. 

I’ve watched this movie… god knows how many times, and I’m constantly amazed by Peter Lorre’s presence in it—which is saying something, considering he’s introduced at the same time as our hero, Rick—AKA Humphrey Bogart. 

Now, for those of you who don’t know, Peter Lorre is one of those legendary character actors.  His voice has been replicated in countless cartoons, usually in the mouths of creepy villains.  He’s in Casablanca for maybe five minutes, but it’s his scene I think about when I think about this movie.

Check it out.   I’ll wait.

He just takes over the movie, doesn’t he?

But if I stop fawning over Peter Lorre’s performance, what’s really at play here is an excellent foil, and a near perfect character introduction.

We’ve got this slimy, weirdo black market shyster conversing with this seemingly rock-solid, man of few words, powerful individual.   Everything Rick does exemplifies his character—he doesn’t drink, he doesn’t let that “powerful” man into the bar, he doesn’t sit with the guests, and later, you’ll have to keep watching for another five minutes, he “sticks his neck out for no man.”

If you're looking to get in to classic film, Casablanca is a great place to start.

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